Yali Capkini Episode 89 New leaks

Yali Capkini Episode 89 These leaks and predictions reflect a deep understanding of the series’ events

and character developments. The upcoming episode is expected to witness exciting developments

based on these predictions. Episode 89: An unexpected person saves Ferit from death. Shocking surprise!

Is Seyran in danger? The scenario contains two parts: Suna and then Abidin save Ferit .

Seyran takes a risk in her life for the sake of the child and begins treatment despite the doctor’s warning. Esme tells Ferit about Seyran’s critical condition.

Can Ferit prevent Seyran from treatment? No, because her position is clear: her desire to have a child for Ferit .

Kazim tries to cooperate with the Korhan family. Will Ferit die? No.

Did Halis Aga send the person who saved Ferit? Probably.

Episode End: Ferit expels Betul from the palace and solves the jewelry problem. The final scene brings together the Korhan family, where Halis Aga announces the news of Seyran’s pregnancy, shocking Ferit, Suna and Esme. Share your thoughts with us!”

Saving Ferit: You expect that an unexpected person will save Ferit from death, with the possibility that this person will be Suna or Abidin.

Seyran and her pregnancy: Seyran risks her life for the child and begins treatment despite the doctor’s warnings about the return of the disease. Esme will tell Ferit about the danger of Seyran due to pregnancy.

Ferit’s position: Ferit cannot prevent Seyran from treatment, as she wants to have a child from him and make him happy.

Kazim and Alliances: Kazim tries to earn a point for cooperating with the Korhan family, which indicates new alliances.

Ferit’s Death: You think it is unlikely that Ferit will die in this episode.

Halis and her intervention: You think that Halis might be behind sending someone to save Ferit.

Betul’s End: You expect Ferit will expel Betul from the palace.

The Jewelry Problem: You expect the jewelry problem to be solved in this episode.

The Family Scene: You expect the Korhan family members to gather around the table, where Halis Ağa talks to the family. You think that the end of the episode will include the happy news of Seyran’s pregnancy, which shocks Ferit, Suna and Esme.

Strong analysis of Yali Capkini Episode 89 and 88

“The entire episode is just a lock scene, which has some beauty in it. The episode consists of scenes of Abidin only, one scene of Sefer only from the first season. The whole episode deals with Abidin’s story, and the rating dropped because of the previous episode, and this episode will show its effect on the next episode.

First, the episode is very boring because it contains many scenes of Abidin provocatively. I thought that Ferit  would know about Seyran’s illness, but the writer has another opinion. He is still repeating the same mistake that Barish made, who we all know that Seyran’s illness and hiding it from Ferit is the reason for the rating dropping to 4 from 6. That means they have not developed yet.

Suna’s line, even though they know the rating is low, they are still taking the same path. There is nothing new in the writer, who is copying the events of the second season without any creativity. The events that caused the rating to drop in the second season are the sibling conflict. Now, Seyran suspects her sister, which makes Suna look at least wronged. In the second season, she wanted to separate Seyran from Ferit, but now on what basis is she suspecting her? I wish the conflict was due to jealousy and not suspicion.

There is no correction or benefit from Barış’s mistakes. Where are their ideas? They are copying events from the second season. Where is the dramatic plot and suspense? There are no events that attract people to come back and watch the series.

Secondly, the cypher in this episode has become secondary, and focused on people who do not care about the fans. Even their writing style is very boring. The second episode of the second season is a thousand times better than these episodes.

Finally, since I heard the name of the new writer, I knew that Onur ruined the series and brought an irreparable ending.”

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